Prospective Pastors & Churches

Interested in becoming part of the Missionary Church in the Great Plains Region? This is a great place to start. Below you'll find links to information about the Missionary Church Family and the process of becoming a Missionary Church. There is also additional information about various ministries and resources we have.

Questions you didn't find answers to? Please reach out!

The Specifics

The Missionary Church Constitution outlines the foundational details of our faith and how we practice it. It also explains the structure and governance of our leadership and member churches.

The Articles of Faith outline our understanding of the triune God, the Bible, humanity, and salvation, in addition to the role of the Church and the completion of God’s restoration of the world.

The Articles of Practice outline how our faith influences the way we live. This document focuses on exercising our personal faith, cultivating holiness, living in community and on mission, building healthy families, practicing stewardship, and seeking justice.

The Position Papers included in the Missionary Church Constitution serve to enlarge on specific sections or address a position of the church that needs to be further developed

The Resources

Generate exists for one purpose: Equip Churches and Church Planters so they can see the vision God gave them come to life.

We do this through funding, coaching, training, networking, credentialing, and resourcing of churches and church planters.

Missionary Church Investment Foundation (MCIF) is a nonprofit financial ministry of the Missionary Church denomination serving a dual purpose. We provide low-cost loans to churches and ministries, helping them grow and extend their reach. At the same time, we give Missionary Church people and churches the opportunity to invest and partner in that great Kingdom work, while earning competitive rates.

In over 110 countries, World Partners is helping all kinds of everyday people learn to make relational, Jesus-centered disciples to the fourth generation in their villages, neighborhoods, schools and workplaces. Disciple-making movements are locally sustainable, naturally reproducing and create profoundly beautiful renewal in people and the places they live.

Bethel is a private university, with Christian roots, offering over 50 areas of study in undergraduate and graduate degree programs. This community is dedicated to guiding students on their academic journey while building relationships that last a lifetime.

Choose which path fits you

Option 1: I'm already credentialed with another denomination that has beliefs that closely align with the Missionary Church.

Option 2: I am not credentialed or have been credentialed but with another denomination with different beliefs from the Missionary Church.

Once you decide which option fits you, follow the steps for that process below. If you have any questions please reach out to

The Process for Pastors-Option 1

1. Submit a letter from the denomination that currently holds your credentials indicating you are a pastor in good standing.

2. Complete the Personnel Form.



5. Read the Missionary Church Constitution and Position Papers (links above). Email Regional Director Andy Petro with any areas of concern.

6. Affirm the Articles of Faith and Articles of Practice. (links above)

The process for Pastors-Option 2

1. Connect with Regional Director Andy Petro to express your interest.

2. Complete the Credential Application and Spouse Application.

Solicitud para Licencia Ministerial

Solicitud de cónyuge

3. Authorize a criminal background check.

4. Complete the MC Pastoral Orientation Course.

5. Read the Missionary Church Constitution and Position Papers (links above)

6. Affirm the Articles of Faith and Articles of Practice. (links above)

7. Reference the educational requirements for licensing and ordination. Connect with Andy Petro for your next steps academically.

The Process for Churches

1. Pastoral Leadership is duly credentialed.

2. The church shall be informed of and in agreement with the Missionary Church Articles of Faith and Practice (links below).

3. The church shall be informed of and agree to the responsibilities of a Missionary Church in proportionately contributing their share to the ongoing ministries of their region and the denomination.

4. The church membership shall by a 75% majority vote approve an action to join the Missionary church agreeing to the responsibilities mentioned above.

5. The church shall submit an application for member church status to the regional board for approval as a member church.

